Interactive Story versus Storytelling (CSC)
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Overload, Two Types of Content (CSC)
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Customer Complaints (CSC)
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  • 50 profile sm
     Feb 27, 2017 11:40pm
    Video 1. Interacting with the story allows the learners to get engaged and captures their attention.
Anyone and Paper Chase (CSC)
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  • 50 profile sm
     Feb 27, 2017 11:30pm
    Video 1: Some of the lecturer's questions were 'fill in the blanks' type. Lecturer doesn't give enough time for students to think about the answers.
    Video 2: There was one main question posed to the learner, and they were supported by leading questions to help guide learner's thinking.
Compare A and B Lessons
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Compare A and B Lessons
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  • 48 profile sm
     Jul 11, 2018 08:37am
    OK so for me, I learned more in the first one (A). In the second one (B) I learned more about my instincts, although it was more interactive and interesting. For me I like to get to the point, list the things I need to know and I will know them and move onto something else.
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