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  • Profile pic
     Oct 27, 2016 12:55pm
    Ray, I love the concept of separating Must-Learn from Learn-on-Need, but depending on the content and SMEs, it may be difficult to get there. Any tips, guided questions that can help us get there?
Micro-Lesson Content Conversion
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  • Kathy profile pic
     Oct 21, 2016 01:16pm
    Thinking back on the most recent module I created, I probably had 4X the material that they could really absorb in the 50 minutes time. There were a lot of gems (need to fix and apply immediately) that I could pull out and create smaller low effort lessons.
Micro-Actions Three Parts
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  • Andy headshots
     Jun 15, 2017 07:04am
    These three parts seem important and when you think about it, can be applied to any micro action you create. I'm thinking of any piece of instruction I've ever written and can probably apply this to any of them.
Mars Story
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  • Andy headshots
     Jun 14, 2017 07:00am
    I'm having trouble again connecting this clip to other information. I eman, it sounds good, but I thought we were making good progress with ZAP, are we going back to the beginning of finding and fixing the problem - but by documentation?
    • Andy headshots
      Jun 14, 2017 07:04am
      I re-watched the video and maybe this can be applied to seeing the results stage of ZAP and documenting what worked and what others did.
Disruptive Questions
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  • Eileen photo
     Feb 08, 2017 02:10pm
    Fast, easy, accessible is the name of the game! The younger generation gets impatient if it is not "now"!!!
Seekers - New Opportunities
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  • 48 profile sm
     Jul 11, 2018 08:15am
    So Konica Minolta has started a few initiatives for just in time learning, a series of videos on how to... and a series of podcasts for our sales force so they can listen while traveling.
Micro-Learning: Infographics "How to Focus in the Age of Distraction" Week 1 - Subject 1
Microlearning: Key Ideas Week 2 - Subject 8
Micro-Learning: Key Ideas Week 1 - Subject 5
Micro-Learning: Webinar Recording Week 1 - Subject 4
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