Microlearning: The Secret
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Microlearning: Flirtation
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Micro-Learning: Key Ideas Week 3 Subject 9
Microlearning: Key Ideas Week 3 - ​Subject 12
About Small Bites Learning
We want to communicate to the person who’s calling us that they’re the most important thing. However, when we have to put them on hold, it says exactly the opposite. In this program you can learn some techniques that makes it easier for the caller when they’re placed on hold.
Creating Micro-Actions Exercise #1 Week 1 - Subject 5
Compare A and B Lessons
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  • Profile pic
     Oct 27, 2016 12:47pm
    Lesson A is your typical boring, we just have to get it done eLearning format. I have seen (and created it) many many times. Lesson B requires much more creativity and in my opinion time to complete, but the results are a very engaging and relevant learning module. I love how the objectives and checklist are available when you want the information, but not required.
Microlearning for Disruptive Results Workshop Learning Map - PDF
Microlearning: Tips & Blogs Week 2 - Subject 8
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