Charted Territory Stories, Scenarios and Micro-Learning Design and Systems: Demos, Resources and Exercises

  • Description

    Charted Territory
  • Path to Expertise
    Designing Programs
  • Learning Objective Show
    Show how to use empathetic communication when dealing with employee concerns.

Learning Objectives

Show how to use empathetic communication when dealing with employee concerns.


Accusatory language does nothing to assist with the supervisor/employee relationship.  Rather, it instantly puts the receiving party on the defensive, setting the true issue aside and making the conflict the “star of the show.”  Instead, work to communicate messages that incorporate empathy, attention and respect.  This directs the conversation to a solution – a positive direction for all involved. 


Additionally, try to eliminate the word “but,” as in, “I understand, but. . .” This word attempts to give the appearance that you are listening to the other person, when it reality the only purpose it serves is to move past the other person’s perspective in favor of your own.


Additionally, try to eliminate the word “but,” as in, “I understand, but. . .” This word attempts to give the appearance that you are listening to the other person, when it reality the only purpose it serves is to move past the other person’s perspective in favor of your own.

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