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    First Impressions
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    Designing Programs
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    Identify elements that are important in building employee trust.

Learning Objectives

Identify elements that are important in building employee trust.


In all the aspects that must be considered when developing a successful team, trust bubbles to the top as one of – if not the – most important.   When there is no trust, the team can become a breeding ground for conflict and misunderstanding. It’s difficult  to challenge the merits of an idea and stay focused on team or project needs while individuals are being dismissed and/or ridiculed. Under these conditions, no team can be function at an optimal level.



A simple definition of trust is dependability over time.  This is of great importance because if trust is not present, other priorities will take their place.


A simple definition of trust is dependability over time.  This is of great importance because if trust is not present, other priorities will take their place.

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