Mirror Image Stories, Scenarios and Micro-Learning Design and Systems: Demos, Resources and Exercises

  • Description

    Mirror Image
  • Path to Expertise
    Designing Programs
  • Learning Objective Show
    Discuss how to adhere to foundational safety precautions when stressful situations arise.

Learning Objectives

Discuss how to adhere to foundational safety precautions when stressful situations arise.


Backing up requires you to turn your head to see beyond the head restraint. Do not depend on mirrors alone when backing. One loses depth perception when using the mirrors to guide the vehicle while backing.



To back up, turn to your right so you can see through the back window. Turn your head and body to the right until you can see clearly through the back window.   Proceed slowly, watching carefully in all directions. To steer in reverse, turn the wheel in the direction you want the rear of the car to go.


To back up, turn to your right so you can see through the back window. Turn your head and body to the right until you can see clearly through the back window.   Proceed slowly, watching carefully in all directions. To steer in reverse, turn the wheel in the direction you want the rear of the car to go.


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