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    Outline how to categorize calendar events to track projects and activities.

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Outline how to categorize calendar events to track projects and activities.


Outlook categories are a management tool, similar to rules and tasks. Most users use the colors to visually identify items by people, topic, priority, and so on. However, categories can do much more. You can use them to perform quick sorts, populate search folders, and even narrow a mail merge to a specific category. Understanding category basics will open your eyes to the possibilities.



For many Outlook users, they tend to categorize their calendar appointments with different colors. For example, all the appointments with a word “training” in the subject line will be turned “Blue”, and all the appointments with words “Sales meeting” will be turned “Green”, and so on. It is painful to categorize them manually one by one. Fortunately, Outlook provides us with a rule of automatically categorizing calendar appointments.


For many Outlook users, they tend to categorize their calendar appointments with different colors. For example, all the appointments with a word “training” in the subject line will be turned “Blue”, and all the appointments with words “Sales meeting” will be turned “Green”, and so on. It is painful to categorize them manually one by one. Fortunately, Outlook provides us with a rule of automatically categorizing calendar appointments.

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