Weight and See Stories, Scenarios and Micro-Learning Design and Systems: Demos, Resources and Exercises

  • Description

    Weight and See
  • Path to Expertise
    Designing Programs
  • Learning Objective Show
    Explain how one can avoid fees associated with overweight baggage.

Learning Objectives

Explain how one can avoid fees associated with overweight baggage.


Airlines are under financial pressure to offset the cost of rising fuel prices. Many of the airlines are now charging excess baggage fees for checking one or more piece of luggage and some are even charging for carry-ons. The following chart displays checked baggage allowances and fees for travel within the United States on major commercial carriers.*


Instead of paying to haul luggage to the airport, wait in line to check bags and wait at baggage claim, ship your bags directly to your final destination to get more time to explore while cutting your airport time in half.


Instead of paying to haul luggage to the airport, wait in line to check bags and wait at baggage claim, ship your bags directly to your final destination to get more time to explore while cutting your airport time in half.


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